Leisure Suit Larry Answers "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS" IS ABOUT = IKKE B "IT'S NOT NICE TO FOOL" = IKKE D "LET IT BE" WAS RECORDED BY =B "NORML" IS = C "TIPTOE THROGH THE TILIPS" WAS RECORDED BY = C 2 GALLNS - 3 DEACES = A 747 IS = C A HARD DISK IS = A A MACKINTOSH IS = A A MOON IS = A A NEHRU JACKET IS = B AL LOWE IS = C ALL POLITICANS ARE = D ANGELA DAWIS = B BLACK JACK IS = A BONNIE AND = B BURBOON STREET IS IN = IKKE C ELLER B CALVIN KLEIN IS = C CANADA IS = A CAPTAIN CANGAROO'S SIDEKICK WAS = D CESAR CHAVEZ LED A BOYCOTT OF = A CHARLIE MC CHARTIE AND = IKKE C ELLER B DETENTE IS = D DO GIRLS REALLY HAVE COOTIES = B DOES A PAIR OF QUEENS BEAT THREE DEUCES = A DOONESBURY'S "UNCLE DUKE" IS BASED ON = IKKE D DURING THE 70'S, CARROLL O'CONNER PORTRAYED A = IKKE C EDSEL IS = IKKE D ELIZABETH TAYLOR IS = A ERA IS AN ABBREVIATION FOR = IKKE C FIRST ON MOON = C FORMER CONGRESSMAN WILBUR MILLYS WENT FOR A DIP..... = B FRANK SINATRA IS = C G. GORDON LIDDY WAS ASSOCIATED WITH = D GONE WITH THE WIND = C HERB ALBERT AND THE = A BRASS HERPES IS = D HOW MANY MOLECULES ARE IN A GLASS OF WATER = D HOW MANY PROGRAMMERS - LIGHT = C I AM PRESENTLY = D I FIND COMPUTER GAMES WITH ADULT CONTENT = B I HAVE HAIR ON MY = D IBM STANDS FOR = B IF A PHYSICIAN WERE STANDED ON A ISLAND WITH BO DEREK.... = C IF BO DEREK WERE HERE I'D ASK HER TO = D IF YOU ARRIVED AT A PARTY WEARING YOUR BIRTHDAY SUIT.. = D IN SOME PERSONAL ADS, TV STANDS FOR = B IN WESTWOLD "WHERE NOTHING CAN GO WRONG"....... = C IS THIS SOFTWARE PIRATED = C IT IS COUSTOMARY TO TIP ABOUT = C IT'S NOT NICE TO FOOL = B JAMES BROWN IS OFTEN REFERED TO AS = D JAMES EARL JONES WAS THE VOICE OF = IKKE D JOE DIMAGGIO PLAYED = IKKE A JOHN BELUSHI WAS ON = IKKE B ELLER C JOHN F. KENNEDY DROVE A = A JONNY CARSON IS = C KOOKIE'S ADRESS WAS = A KWI-CHANG-CAINE BECAME FAMOUS BY SAYING = D LAS VEGAS IS FAMOUS FOR = C LEE HARVY OSWALD = C LINGERIE = A LUCK, RICKY, FRED AND = IKKE A MAIKING A HOLE IN ONE = A MARLON BRANDO IS = B MEL BROOKS = C MICHAEL DOONESBURY FOUNDED = B MOHAMMED ALI = C MORK IS FROM = A MOST TIME IN L.V = C MY BOSS IS = D MY FAVORITE ACTOR = D MY PARENTS ARE = D MY SEX LIFE IS BEST DESCRIBED AS = C NOT A POLITICAN = C O. J. SIMPSON IS = D ORAL ROBERTS = B PAUL , JOHN , RINGO = B PETER BENCHLEY'S NOVEL "JAWS" WAS ABOUT = D PETER PIPER PICKED A PECK OF PICKLED = C PIA ZADORA = B PRESIDENT EISENHOVER'S NICKNAME WAS = C PRESIDENT FORD PRESCRIBED = IKKE B FOR DEALING WITH...... RALP BOYSEN INVENTED = A RICHARD NIXON WAS = D RICHARD NIXON WAS THE = C PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES RUNNING AROUND NAKED = SERGEANT PEPPER WAS = C SEX IS = A SPIRO AGNEW IS = IKKE B ELLER D SYPHILIS IS = C TAXES SHOULD BE = A TED KENNEDY IS BEST REMEMBERED FOR HIS = C THE "CHICAGO SEVEN" WAS = IKKE A THE 1973 ALBUM "DARK SIDE OF THE MOON" WAS RECORDED BY = IKKE B THE AMERICAN TELEVISJON DEBUT OF BOB HOPE.... = IKKE A THE ATLANTIC AND THE PACIFIC OCEANS ARE CONNECTED BY THE =A THE BEST "PICK-UP" LINE IS = B THE DRINK "SCREWDRIVER" CONTAINS = B THE EAST COAST IS = A THE FIRST BASEBALL PLAYER TO CHALLENGE THE RESERVE CLAUSE WAS = C THE FIRST NEGRO TO PLAY MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL WAS = IKKE B THE GERM THAT TRANSMITS SYPHILIS IS = B THE G-SPOT IS SUPPOSED TO BE = IKKE C ELLER A THE LARGEST STATE IS = B THE LAST NAME OF ANETTE (ON THE ORIGINAL MICKEY MOUSE CLUB) = C THE LEADER OF NAZI GERMANY WAS = D THE MOST EFFECTIVE FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL IS = A THE MOST LIKELY PLACE TO FIND VIRGINS IS = C THE MOST POPULOUS CITY IN THE UNITED STATES IS = IKKE A THE RESULT OF WATERGATE WAS =C THE SONG "AMERICAN PIE" WAS ABOUT = C THE TAXIEST SEVENTIES FASHION WAS = A THE TERM "WORKING GIRL" REFERS TO = B THE WOLD IS = B THOMAS EAGLETON.... = C TOM HAYDEN IS = D TWO BITS IS = D UTHA IS FULL OF = D VCR STANDS FOR = D WHEN IT'S NOON IN CALIFORNIA IN AUGUST, IN ST. LOUIS IT'S = D WHEN PLAYING "MONOPOLY" YOU =B WHICH IS NON - ALCOHOLIC = C WHICH IS NOT A BASEBALL TEAM = IKKE B WHICH IS NOT A CHEES = D WHICH IS NOT A CITY IN MEXICO = IKKE A WHICH IS NOT A CURRENCY = C WHICH IS NOT A MOUNTAIN RANGE = A WHICH IS NOT A WINE = B WHICH IS NOT AN AMERICAN FORCE = D WHICH NOT IN HAWAII = C WHICH ONE OF THESE WAS NOT A WAR = C WHICH SONG WAS NOT RECORDED BY ELVIS = C WHICH U.S. PRESIDENT WAS NOT ELECTED TO OFFICE = C WHO HAS NOT BEEN A U.S. ATTOTNEY GENERAL = B WHO IS NOT A FAMOUS MUSICIAN = IKKE A ELLER C WHO IS NOT A SPORTCASTERM = IKKE A WHO KNOWS WHAT EVIL LURKS IN THE HEARTS OF MEN? = B WHO LOST A DAUGHTER BUT GAINED A "MEATHEAD" = C WHO MADE A RECORD ALBUM WITH A COVER THAT LOOKED LIKE.... = A WHO SPENDS THE MOST TIME IN LAS VEGAS = IKKE A WHO STARRED IN "BEDTIME FOR BONZO" = D WHO WAS BANNED FROM "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE"...... = D WHO WAS NOT A MASS MURDER = D WHO WAS NOT A POLITICAN = C WHO WAS NOT AN ASTRONAUT = A WHO WAS NOT IN THE MOVIE "EASY RIDER" = D WHO WAS NOT VINCE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1973-74=IKKEA WHO WROTE "TO BE OR NOT TO BE" = A WHO'S BURIED IN GRANT'S TOMB = D WIPS , CHAINS AND HANDCUFFS ARE = A WITCH U.S. SECRETARY WAS BORN IN GERMANY = D =================================================================================== LEISURE SUIT LARRY IN THE LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZARDS 3-D ANIMATED ADVENTURE GAME REFERENCE CARD FOR AMIGA Sierra's 3-D animated adventures represent a totally new approach to computer gaming -- a third generation in computer adventure. They feature detailed three dimensional background screens with life-like animated characters. The improved parser lets you talk to the computer in whole sentence. Sierra's new series of adventures are interactive, changing as you explore and solve the puzzle. New facets are revealed as you delve into the game. In fact, because of ramdom events, you can play the game many times over and never play the same game twice. BEFORE GETTING STARTED Before starting to play you should make back-up copies of your original disks. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Power up the system and load the Amiga Kickstart disk and the Amiga Workbench disk. 2. Use the preference tool from the Workbench disk to set date and time information. This procedure is recommended but not required. 3. Insert the original program disk or a back-up copy you have made, into the drive and double click the left mouse button on the disk's icon to open the disk. 4. Double click the left mouse button on the "Sierra" icon. If you are loading from a back-up copy you will be prompted to briefly insert the original disk when loading. 5. To bypass the opening sequence, press any key. BACKING UP YOUR PROGRAM MASTERS From the Workbench, follow the procedure below to copy the original master disk to a back-up. One Drive Systems: 1. Insert the original disk in the drive. 2. Place the mouse cursor (arrow) on the master program icon. 3. Highlight the icon by clicking the left mouse button. 4. Place the mouse cursor on the menu bar. Hold down the right mouse button and pull down the Workbench menu. 5. Place the mouse cursor on Duplicate and release the left mouse button. 6. Follow the disk swap prompts to copy the program disk. 7. Do not rename your back-up copy. Two Drive Systems: 1. Insert the original and back-up disk in the drives. 2. Place the mouse cursor on the original program disk icon and hold down the left mouse button. 3. Drag the mouse cursor to the icon of the drive you're copying to and release the button. 4. Follow the prompts to complete the copy procedure. 5. Do not rename your back-up copy. FORMATTING A DISK (to be used as a saved game disk) 1. From the Workbench, insert a blank disk into any drive. 2. Place the mouse dursor on the blank disk icon and click the left mouse button, highlighting the icon. 3. Place the mouse dursor on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Hold down the right mouse button and pull down the Disk menu. 4. Place the mouse cursor on "initialize" and release the right mouse button. The blank disk is now being formatted. When formatting is complete, you will be returned to the Workbench. 5. Place the mouse cursor on the "Empty" icon and click the left mouse button. Place the mouse cursor on the Workbench menu, hold down the right mouse button, and select "Rename". Follow the prompts to rename the "saved game" disk. If you don't rename the "saved game" didk, its default name will be "Empty". 6. When a formatted disk is used for saving games, the 3-D Animated Adventure automatically creates a saved game directory for saving 12 games. Creating additional directories on the disk (for saved games), will allow you to save more games on the formatted disk (12 per directory). Consult your system's DOS manual for creating directories on a formatted disk. COMMANDS FOR THE HERO A joystick, mouse or keyboard moves the main character north, south, east, west or diagonally. To halt your character's steps with the keyboard, press the last direction key again, or the 5 on the number pad. If you are using a mouse, start movement by single clicking the left mouse button. The character will move to the point where the left mouse button was last clicked and stop there, unless there is an obstruction in his path. During the game you can use any form of control at any time. Just click the mouse, press a direction key, or move the joystick. If the joystick was not plugged in before loading the game, press CTRL-J and insert the joystick into joystick port # 2. The joystick will now be active. |---------------| \ North / \ ^ / | | |---------| 7 8 9 | !----! !----! | West| |East --4 5 6-- | ! ! ! ! | | | 1 2 3 | !----! !----! | |---------| / | \ | | / South \ | | |---------------| Joystick Direction Keys Mouse Talk to your computer in commands of one or two words, or even simple sentences. Unless otherwise instructed, follow all commands with the RETURN key. You may meet others who have messages for you. Command them to speak. Type: TALK TO THE GNOME You may later need objects you see along the way. Type: GET THE KEY Pay attention to details. To see an object closely, type: LOOK AT THE PANEL Use the objects you find along the way. Type: GIVE THE BASKET TO THE GIRL To fully savor a scene you enjoy watching or negotiate a narrow paty, you can slow down the animation. Speed up the animation to make the main character walk faster. To change the speed type "slow" or "fast" and press RETURN. To return to the original speed, type "normal" and press RETURN. Function and control keys shortcut these common commands: F1 or HELP Shows list of control keys (including some specific to your game which may not be mentioned here). F2 Toggle sound on/off F3 Echo (repeat) previous command F5 Save game F7 Restore game F9 Restart game CTRL-C or CTRL-X Cancel line CTRL-J Select joystick mode ALT-Z Quit game TAB Inventory ESC Pause/resume game SAVING AND RESTORING GAME To allow for errors in judgement, and also for some pretty creative exploration, we make it possible for you to save and restore the game. Before you try something that looks dangerous, or just because you've been playing awhile and don't want to lose what progress you've made through some chance encounter, SAVE YOUR GAME. At any time during the game, tuype "save game" and press return or press F-5 to save your game. Follow the directions below to complete saving your game. SINGLE DISK DRIVE USERS You have a choice of saving your game on your game disk (original or back-up), or to a formatted "saved game" disk. When you receive the prompt asking on which directory to save your game, press RETURN and follow the prompts if you are saving on your game disk. If you use a "saved game" disk, remove the game disk from the drive, insert the "saved game" didk, and type the name of the "Saved game" disk followed by ":" and the name of the directory and press RETURN. Follow the prompts, using the up/down arrow keys to select a saved game space. Re-insert the game disk to resume playing. TWO DISK DRIVE USERS When you receive the prompt asking on which directory to save your game, backspace through the suggested default name and type the name of your "saved game" disk with it in one of the drives, and press return. This will allow your game to be saved onto your second disk drive. If you are using more than one directory for for saved games, when prompted, type the name of the directory where you want the game to be saved. Follow the prompts using the up/down arrow keys to select a saved game space, to complete saving the game. IN GENERAL Although your game position is stored on disk as a normal Amiga DOS file, you are not required to follow Amiga DOS naming conventions in identifying your saved games. If the character is standing before a tree when you save a game, call your saved game "STANDING BEFORE A TREE" or whatever has meaning to you. You may save up to 12 different games per saved game directory. If you "run out" of saved game spaces in your saved game directory, (and you don't want to create more saved game directories), you may reuse one of the 12 spaces. To change the name of a saved game, just enter CTRL-C or CTRL-X to clear the line, and type a new one. RESTORING A GAME Type "restore game" and press RETURN or press F-7 to restore a previously saved game. You will be asked where you saved the game. To accept the default directory, press RETURN. Otherwise, clear the line, type the name of the "saved game" disk followed by ":" and the directory on which you saved the game, and press RETURN. Now choose the game you wish to restore by moving the pointer and selecting it by pressing RETURN. REFERENCE CARD HOW TO PLAY SLOTS 1. Walk to the machine. Type "PLAY SLOTS". 2. When you are finished, type "EXIT SLOTS". HOW TO PLAY BLACKJACK The object is to get as close to 21 points as possible without going over. Face cards count 10 points each, and aces count as 1 or 11 points, whichever is to your advantage. You are dealt 2 cards to begin with. HOW TO BET Sit down at the table. Type "BET". You will be asked to specify an amount. (This house only accepts bets in $2 increments). INSURANCE When the house dealer shows an "Ace Up." You will be asked if you want insurance. Insurance equals half of your wager. Use insurance cautiously. If the dealer has blackjack (21) you will be paid off at 2 to 1 odds. SURRENDER If you do not like the odds after reviewing your initial two cards, you may "SURRENDER." Half of your wager will be refunded to you. TAKING CARDS After receiving your first two cards, you must decide if you want to take more or to "STAND" on what you've got. Type the appropriate option. DOUBLING DOWN You are allowed to "double down" if your cards show a value of 10 or 11. Your bet is doubled and you are dealt one more card. SPLITS If the house deals you a pair (any two like cards, i.e. two tens) you may "SPLIT" them. This move allows you to play two hands and double your bet. TO QUIT PLAYING Type "STAND UP" at the end of a hand. TALKING TO WOMEN Learning this will be your number one priority while in Lost Wages. When you want to talk to a woman, type "TALK TO THE WOMAN". If you happen to get her name, type "TALK TO (NAME)". Women can be loads of fun. They are great to "LOOK" at. They are fun to "DANCE" with. You could even try to "KISS" them. Nothing is off-limits if you "PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT". Women are also fickle. Do not take "no" for an answer. Be persistent. With a little sweat and a lot of luck you could wind up being a happy guy. TRANSPORTING YOURSELF Getting from place to place is very crucial. To walk somewhere, simply use the direction keys, your joystick or a mouse. You can move Larry practically anywhere. TAXI SERVICE Catching cabs in a convenient way to get around Lost Wages. Look for taxi stand signs near the curb at most major establishments. Please note that you should not keep a taxi waiting. When the cab pulls up, walk directly to the rear door and type "ENTER CAB". ELEVATORS You can use elevators anywhere they are accessible. The Lost Wages Casino is a full nine stories tall - a trip up the stairs could waste your whole night. Just walk into the elevator car and type "PRESS ONE" (or whichever floor you choose). Note that some elevators are restricted in use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEISURE SUIT LARRY IN THE LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZARDS This is what Larry Laffer used to look like (pathetic, isn't it?). Notice the receding hairline and expanding waist. The cardigan sweater and pocket protector give you a pretty good idea of what is - a totally mild and lazy guy. The "old" Larry Laffer was a confirmed bachelor. At 38 years old, he still lived with his mother, and the idea of asking a woman out was, basically, terrifying. He felt more comfortable at night curling up with a good book (his vavorite, "Know Your RS-232 Serial Port") and listening to his record collection, which absolutely reeked of Air Supply and Barry Manilow records. Then one day it hit him. Larry realized that his opportunity to live was passing faster than an ugly woman on the way to her wedding. So he decided to change. "No more Mr. Nice Guy!" he shouted. "It's time to party!" This is the new Larry Laffer. Underneath all the polyester and gold, he is still the same weenie he always was, but after a credit card blitz at the Night Fever Polyester Plaza Larry is equipped for a night on the town. Notice the solid white leisure suit, genuine gold-laquered chains, the "steppin' out" elevator shoes and the "Saturday Night Fever" style bouffant haircut (guaranteed to get the chicks - by the truckload!) A few nights at the Disco On Fire Health Club and Dance Spa has given Larry new confidence, new grace, and a 360-degree move that has to be seen to be believed. Now Larry Laffer has landed in Lost Wages for one fabulous evening. Watch out world, here he comes. AN OVERVIES A Sierra 3-D Animated Adventure Game, simply stated, is an interactive movie where you become the main character. In this game, the main character is "Leisure Suit" Larry Laffer, a would be man-about-town and exceptionally mild and lazy guy. The "movie" takes place in the fictional town of Lost Wages. Each 3-D Animated Adventure Game has a main goal, and yours in Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards is to find a seduce the girl of your dreams. This goal won't come easy, because you only have one night, and unfortunately, you are stuck with Larry's looks. Other problems, such as lack of money, lack of opportunity, and bad breath can complicate things significantly. Your interaction with the game controls the outsome of each situation. For example, having your character sign on with a major league baseball team or start a successful men's magzine could be beneficial to your ultimate goal. On the other hand, catching a fatal disease or losing all your cash can only impede your progress. A combination of common sense, logical thinking, and downright sheer luck is needed to achieve your goal. Good luck. TIPS FOR NEW ADVENTURE PLAYERS NOTE: IF YOU HAVE PLAYED AN ANIMATED ADVENTURE BEFORE, THIS SECTION CAN BE SKIPPED. 1. HOW TO MOVE AROUND Basic instructions on how to interact with this game are included on the command card enclosed. If you are not sure of what to do, follow the WALK THRU at the end of this manual. 2. IT PAYS TO USE PROTECTION Due to the dangerous nature of this (and every) adventure game, you will want to type SAVE GAME many times during a playing session. Type SAVE GAME any time you have done something important. Type SAVE GAME when you feel you're in danger. RESTORE GAME is used when you were right, and there was danger. If you get killed, type RESTORE GAME rather than starting over. Careful and diligent use of this function has saved many an adventurer from frustration and impotence. (For more on save and restore game, see Reference Card enclosed). 3. LOOK AT EVERYTHING When you enter a room type LOOK AT THE ROOM. When you enter a street, type LOOK AT THE STREET. When you want to talk to a woman, type TALK TO THE WOMAN. The descriptions and close-ups offered may provide valuable clues. 4. PLAY WITH A FRIEND When it comes to playing Leisure Suit Larry, more heads are better than one. You may find it very helpful, and more fun, to go through this game with a friend. 5. A FEW CHOICE WORDS This 3-D Animated Adventure Game understands a number of verbs such as: BLOW UP EAT ORDER BUY GET READ CHANGE GIVE TAKE COUNT JUMP UNDRESS CUT KISS USE DRINK LOOK WEAR DROP OPEN Naturally, not all of these words are understood in every situation. (This is a grphic adventure after all), nor will these words all fit into one sentence, but you can string these words into commands such as "COUNT THE MONEY" and "USE THE KINKY DEVICE". 6. YOU'VE GOT TO BE OPEN MINDED If it's silly, rude, dirty or funny, Al Lowe and Mark Crowe probably thought of it when they were writing this program. Some of the puzzles in this game may require deranged thinking to solve. You should try anything you can think of. After all, no one ever got a social disease from a keyboard, and you have your RESTORE GAME function if things really backfire on you. 7. IF YOU STILL CAN'T FINISH Feeling frustrated? Can't finish what you started. Is your wife making fun of you? Even the best adventurers sometimes can't complete their tasks. (For text adventure players, this is almost a chronic disorder.) For this reason, hint books for all of the 3-D Animated Adventures are available. You can order the hint book for this game using the order form in this package. Don't be embarrassed, it happens to us all sometimes. If you just want to talk about your problem, call the Sierra Customer Support Line at (209)683-6858 or the Sierra Bulletin Board Service at (209)683-4463. (We promise to be discreet). WARNING! THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION IS FOR BEGINNING ADVENTURE GAME PLAYERS ONLY. THE CONTENTS INCLUDE ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE GAME'S PUZZLES AND HINTS THAT EXPERIENCED ADVENTURERS MAY NOT WISH TO SEE. CONTINUE READING ONLY IF YOU ARE HAVING DIFFICULTY GETTING STARTED WITH LEISURE SUIT LARRY IN THE LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZARDS. YOUR FIRST VISIT....BEGINNING "LEISURE SUIT LARRY." You start in front of Lefty's Lounge. Type: >INVENTORY (This command gives you a listing of all your possessions.) >LOOK AT THE SIGN (To abbreviate commands simply type: >LOOK SIGN) >LOOK AT THE STREET >LOOK AT THE SIDEWALK >LOOK AT THE WINDOW >LOOT AT THE MAT >LOOK AT THE DOG (This is good for a few laughs). Walk up to the door. Type: >LOOK AT THE DOOR >OPEN THE DOOR The sceen will change. Walk inside the bar. Type: >LOOK AT THE PEOPLE >LOOK AT THE PICTURE >LOOK AT THE MOOSE >LOOK AT THE FAN >LOOK AT THE BAR >LOOK AT THE WALL Walk to the vacant stool. Type: >SIT DOWN >TALK TO THE BARTENDER >ORDER A BEER >ORDER A WINE >ORDER A WHISKEY >STAND UP Try walking around. Walk over to the girl. Type: >LOOK AT THE GIRL >TALK TO THE GIRL Walk over to the jukebox. Type: >LOOK AT THE JUKEBOX >PLAY THE JUKEBOX Walk to the closed door on the right side of the room. Type: >OPEN THE DOOR >KNOCK ON THE DOOR >OPEN SESAME (OR ANY OTHER WORD WHICH COMES TO MIND) Walk through the doorway on the northwest side of the room. The screen will change. Type: >LOOK AT THE ROOM >LOOK AT THE WALL Walk over to the table. Type: >LOOK AT THE TABLE >TAKE THE ROSE >LOOK AT THE ROSE >LOOK AT THE DRUNK Walk over to the drunk. Approach him as close as possible (walk between his legs). Type: >TALK TO THE DRUNK HINT: PERHAPS IF YOU DO SOMETHING FOR THE DRUNK, HE'LL DO SOMETHING FOR YOU. Whenever your breath turns bad, use your breath spray. Type: >USE THE BREATH SPRAY Walk to the door on the right. Type: >LOOK AT THE WALL (Repeat this command until the message repeats.) TAKE NOTE OF THE PASSWORD FOR FUTURE USE. Walk over to the toilet. Type: >LOOK AT THE TOILET >LOOK AT THE TOILET PAPER >GO TO THE BATHROOM (Wait for the computer to respond. It will make a couple of tasteless remarks.) >STAND UP Walk over to the sink. Type: >LOOK IN THE MIRROR >LOOK AT THE SINK >TAKE THE RING >LOOK AT THE RING >WASH HANDS You are now ready to leave this room and continue on your adventure. By the way, type: >FLUSH THE TOILET before you leave. It's nice to show some respect for your fellow adventurers. Happy adventuring! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These docs brought to you by the courtesy of Southern Star.